Thursday, September 15, 2016

Rigor in Classrooms?

Robyn Jackson, from ASCD, created a short video regarding rigor in the classroom.  Her analogy using a cooking show is unique and truly does explain how different classrooms run.

It's easy to do the same thing.  Teach the same topic.  Use the same test. Every. Year.
What's not easy is trying something new, throwing out testing and truly preparing our students for the real world.  Technology helps, but doesn't solve the problem (and sometimes makes it worse).  

We are doing our students a disservice if we keep teaching them things they can Google.  Or showing them how to do math that they can figure out on the calculator on their iPhones.  The skills that were needed 20 years ago are not necessarily needed today.  Making your classroom more student-led is imperative for the future of education and the success of our students when they graduate.  Just because it's been "working" for all of these years doesn't mean it will continue to work.  

What are some things you can change in your classroom?  Start small.  Try something new.  And don't forget to reach out to me if you need any help/resources/ideas!