Monday, September 5, 2016

Glorified Worksheets?

One of the best things about being at South Middle is the access our teachers and students have to technology.  Our students are able to experience things that many other schools cannot provide because of the devices we give them each year.  
But this unique learning experience does not come without issues or changes.  The devices are only as useful as the lessons, interactions and experiences we create for our students.  If they are used simply to substitute paper worksheets or to hand in work that would normally be done on paper, then we are wasting our time and resources.  This is a starting place, sure, but we have to strive to make the devices used in such a way that students won't be going to or wikipedia.  The interactions in our classrooms need to be more student-centered and less teacher-centered.  This is a big change in ideology and day to day lesson planning, but it is the way that education should be moving.  
As George Couros, a leading educator, states in The Innovator's Mindset:

The library is a great place to start with new ideas and ways to move from "glorified worksheets" to true 21st century learning.  I am always here to brainstorm, find resources and aid you in whatever you'd like to try or whatever your students would like to try!  What do you want to try this year?