All over the news the past week or so has been the vote on Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality forces Internet providers to treat all content on the web the same and not discriminate based on user, type, etc. It allows for an open playing field for all consumers and helps to prevent companies from profiting off of parts of the Internet they know are more lucrative.
The FCC recently voted to end net neutrality, which could have serious consequences for consumers. It is expected to be fought in court before it is actually repealed, but the idea that this is something that could happen is scary in 2017. Internet providers could decide that charging more to use Twitter can make them more money. Or if you want to stream a video from YouTube, it will cost you more. It takes away the regulations to keep the playing field even.
When this happened, my first thought went to how this vote could affect public schools and libraries when it comes to Internet. As I was searching through my Twitter feed, I came across this interesting and informative article and thought I would share.
Everyone should be informed as to how ending net neutrality would affect them. It is important, regardless of your stance on the issue, to understand both sides. Do your research!